TouchLife Massage

Created with Sketch. a form of integrated, holistic Massage. It is build upon five pillars: professional Massage techniques, pre- and after conversation, emotional awareness, energy- and breathwork.
Within it we see the human as wholesome being.

Footreflexzone Therapy

Created with Sketch. a form of thearpy where I stimulate different parts of your body (muscle, organs, bodyparts) through pressing the reflexzones on your feet.

Kinesiological Testing

Created with Sketch. a technique to help decide through your muscle reaction on which the perfect treatment plan is for you in that specific moment. The true wisdom what you need lives inside your body, it is just a question of how to listen and understand it.

NBR - neurobiological regulation

Created with Sketch. a regualtion and recreating the balance of your nervous system. The centralnervousesystem thats located in your spine and that coordinates your sensoric and motoric expressiond and sensation and on the other hand the enterical nervoussystem through which the whole digestion is operated.

Cranio Sacral Techniques

Created with Sketch.

 ... create with soft touch and movement strong impulses inside. I work with the puls of the liquor (a waterlike liquid thats filtered out of the blood inside the brain) that can be felt and therefore also stimulated in the whole body.